Are you struggling to make sense of a crazy world that seems to be getting crazier and appears to make no sense?
Do you not know which way to turn?
Or are you doing ok but just get a sense that there is more?
Where have you been?
Where are you now?
Where do you want to go?
What is the story you have been told and that you are telling yourself?
How have you got to where you are right now? What are your beliefs and values that underpin who you believe you are and what you believe you are capable of achieving?
You will have certain beliefs that have been given to you by parents/ school/ your culture etc. from when you were small. And you will also have other beliefs that you have learned through your life experience. These beliefs will support you in your life moving forward, or they will limit you.
When I began exploring this for myself over twenty years ago, I was shocked to discover that the majority of my beliefs and values weren’t actually mine but my father’s. I had become deeply programmed to conform to a set of guidelines that were opposed to the authentic ‘Me’.
The world has no meaning. We live in a meaningless world. Until we give it a meaning. We are meaning making machines. We’ve been programmed since birth to interpret the world around us in our own unique way. These programs are unconscious and they instruct our conscious minds what to think and what to believe. How are your interpretations working for you right now? Part of what I’ll share with you is how ensure that your conscious and unconscious minds are in alignment with each other, so they are both working towards the same goals. This is where my skills as a hypnotherapist comes in both with our 1-2-1 sessions and the personalised audios I I will make for you.
Where are you in your life right now?
Every journey needs a clear starting point. If your GPS system doesn’t know where it is starting from, it can’t begin to plan a route. What is working for you? What isn’t? Health? Career/work? Relationships? Along with Dr Ernest Rossi, I have developed a Mind/Body Calibration Method which allows you to get clear on where you are right now, across a wide variety of criteria. It brings a level of objectivity to an extremely subjective subject. Then, as you progress along your path, you can periodically recalibrate to see what has changed.
Where do you want to go?
As well as a starting point, every journey needs a destination. When you jump in the car, if you don’t know where you are going, you are going to struggle to get there! I’m excited to share with you my processes to help you identify your destination. One of the challenges is that most people do not know that they are capable of so much more than they realise. They believe that many things are impossible for them and that belief makes it true for them. So they must prove themselves right! And they do that by not attempting whatever it is. There’s obviously no point!
David Henry Thoreau famously once said, “Most people live lives of quiet desperation and go to their graves with the song still in their hearts.”
This need not be you.
Joseph Campbell said you should follow your bliss. But what is your bliss?
Bashar says you should do what excites you and what you are passionate about.
That is easy to say but not so easy to apply to ‘real life’. Or is it?
I’m going to add something that might appear on the outset to be extremely contagious but if you are prepared to keep an open mind, it will change everything. It is the big secret that has been known for thousands of years! Gurus and highly evolved individuals have spoken about it at length but because it is such a difficult concept to appreciate, it’s acknowledged but passed over.
The Route & Programming Yourself For Success
You’ve got clear on your starting point and your destination, so now you need a route. This is where it gets exciting and also a bit weird. I say weird because the truth about how we create is something that most of us haven’t been taught. The impact of Quantum Physics has had a profound effect on our understanding of how we create.
There is a lot out there on the creation process from the Law of Attraction to Manifestation techniques and more. We are creating in every moment of our existence, so it makes sense to understand how the process works and therefore how to consciously apply it to our lives.
The truth is a weird mix of ‘Being’ and ‘Doing’; of taking inspired action from your heart and getting out of your own way; of controlling the controllable and not worrying about those things that you cannot control.
You are a powerful creator, yet you may well be living your life more like a helpless victim. You maybe be overwhelmed by the challenges you are facing but there is a way.