My journey
I’ve lived and travelled all over the world, I’ve been a millionaire, I’ve been homeless and nearly died of cancer. I’ve developed an uncanny knack of helping people wake up to a whole new world of possibility and to realise that they are powerful creators and not victims. I’ve used this knowledge to transform my own life and people tell me that I’ve transformed theirs.
I’m passionate about sharing what I have learned because I know that we are far more capable than we realise. We have so much more potential. I began this journey over twenty years ago, ostensibly for myself and to answer questions I had with regard to the situation I had found myself in. I discovered a whole new world of possibility and a way of ‘being’. And it all came from my beliefs and the way I interpreted the world around me. But it evolved into so much more because I began sharing my findings with others and they benefited too.
I am the happiest I have ever been. I have found a peace and what I call ‘radical contentment’ in my life that is an absolute blessing. And I want the same for you. We are living in a world in which there is so much fear, negativity, stress, uncertainty and anxiety. We do not realise that we are powerful creators and are actually creating in every moment of our existence, whether we believe it or not. In fact, most people live their lives as if they are more like helpless victims.
I’ve not always been happy. In fact, at one point, I was deeply depressed, and I questioned whether I wanted to continue living. It was a very dark place. Obviously I’ve come through it and I’m not just surviving, I’m thriving.
I don’t know you or where you are at right now but a big part of why I do what I do is to give you hope, and to give you a practical plan with tools, strategies and support to achieve it.
So, if you have been brought up to believe that you can’t achieve something or you believe something is impossible, as a powerful creator you will skillfully prove yourself right. People say, ‘I knew I couldn’t do that’, or ‘I knew I wasn’t good enough to achieve that.’ etc.
We’ve been brought up largely in a blame culture where our first thought is to blame something or someone else. People say, ‘It’s not my fault, it’s my parents, my childhood, my education, my neighborhood, the economy, the government, or simply bad luck!’
I will demonstrate to you that if you change your thinking, you will change your experience of the world and the results you obtain. But how do you change your thinking? It is easier than you might think. One of my primary skillsets is hypnotherapy. I’m a Master Hypnotherapist and qualified hypnotherapy teacher with over twenty years experience. I use my skills not just to heal the past but to create an amazing future.
(For those of you who will understand, I also lived in Peru, up in the High Andes near Cusco where I studied shamanism. This added a depth to my work which is deeply humbling.)
I will provide you with information and resources which will take you on a journey that will help you make those changes. You will develop a robust foundation on which you will be able to build the life you could previously never hoped to achieve.
All I ask is that you keep an open mind. I want to get you thinking. My hope is that I can inspire you to believe that today could truly be the first the first day of a new and improved version of yourself and that you choose to see the rest of your life as a blank canvass with you as a powerful creator/artist.
A major part of my amazing life is my wife Andrea. We’ve only been married a couple of years but we have come together as two fiercely independent individuals who both recognize that together we can be more. Every day I love and appreciate her more than the day before. But it is a conscious choice. It is something I choose and then like anything that you repeat on a regular basis, it becomes a habit.
It’s similar to my positive attitude and radical contentment. They are choices that have become habits.
People talk in general about honeymoon periods coming to the end at some point. We’ve decided that it will last for the rest of our lives, because as powerful creators, we can choose whatever we want.
We have all the resources we need within us. My job is to teach you how to access them.
Chat with me
Yes, you might have been recommended by someone or maybe you’ve just stumbled upon this site. Either way, let’s chat. It will be really informal where we can find out a little about each other. Then if appropriate, I follow up with an email outlining my recommendation and leave it with you. No pressure, no obligation, and certainly no hard selling!